#031 – Mark David Gibson, Author of Served in Silence

Retired U.S. Air Force Captain Mark David Gibson, like many other young people lost and searching, joined the military as a “ticket out” to find himself and see the world. The strict structure of the military was the perfect solution for harnessing this young person’s scattered energy, poor life choices, and dangerous decisions. Despite a life foundation built on shifting sands of denial, secrecy, shame, and guilt, Mark found a place to call home in the Air Force. Long before the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy it was an unwritten rule invented and perfected as the accepted way of life for young Mark.

Gibson, a 20-year, highly decorated, war veteran, served 10 years enlisted, took an educational break in service, and then served 10 more years as a Public Affairs Officer. He deployed multiple times to Southwest Asia in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle.

Gibson re-entered the workforce, applying authenticity strategies and techniques to every facet of his new life. Landing a job familiar to his expertise in Public Relations, Mark moved back to the United States and took a job with the U.S. Small Business Administration in Atlanta, Georgia. Before long, Mark was tapped by SBA Headquarters to co-author and lead a National LGBT Outreach initiative, along with the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. “LGBT Business Builder” would be recognized by the White House and become the gold standard for LGBT inclusion in the federal government. LGBT Business Builder received recognition from Harvard University and became the recipient of the “Bright Idea – Innovation in American Government Award.”


  • Why write a memoir? A memoir can help people who are in similar situations.
  • A memoir can be a roadmap to live an authentic life.
  • A memoir can be a bucket list project, or a cathartic experience.
  • You are going to get stuck when you write a book. You need a coach who can get you across the finish line.
  • A book can lead to speaking, consulting, courses and so much more.

Book: Served in Silence (Amazon Hardcopy/Paperback/Kindle/Audiobook)

Website: Mark David Gibson – Served in Silence